12 Days of Ice Cream Headquarters

Welcome to the 12 Days of Ice Cream Gift Elf Headquarters

Here, you can find information on all 12 days of ice cream reveals. Please don't spoil the surprise for anyone else or the ice cream elves will become protective. Remember, we're releasing full-sized pints on a daily basis, so they won't all be a available for purchase immediately. 

We'll add a hyperlink each day so that flavor information can't be viewed early, but customers who have a 12 Days of Ice Cream Box can access each day by entering the name of the flavor (from your scratch off sheet) to the end of this URL: https://boldbatchcreamery.com/pages/Flavor-Name-With-Dashes-Instead-of-Spaces

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8
Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12